Friday, February 12, 2010

Any Idea's?

So ever since I went to that "Embrace Your Space" organizing and productivity class I have been doing lots of little "TO DO'S" I've been to Target three times this week because all of the big bins are on sale for only 5-6 bucks! so..I guess I'm nesting?? I'm trying to do it all now but each day things are getting harder cause I'm getting bigger! but I kinda have done everything that I learned so I thought it would be fun to have everyone post there "Very helpful organizing tips" PLEASE write something for those..(LIKE ME) who this stuff doesn't come so natural? thanks! I really want to post some new pictures but can't seem to find my stupid usb! maybe someone will give me a good tip and I'll find it!! and yes I already have a electronics!


Melissa said...

Kirsty - you are doing such a good job. I write little "TO DO" lists all the time. That is how I function. I also make sure when I clean out my closet that I take the clothes to the DI that day or they will just continue to sit in my closet. By the way...I can't wait to the little girl on the way. :)

Ashlie said...

This is a no brainer...but I have 3 laundry baskets (from Ikea) in my closet so when we put in our dirty clothes we sort them right then instead of having to do it all when I am ready to do laundry. They all have wheels on them so I just wheel them to my laundry room which saves a lot of time sorting and carrying to the laundry room. Kind of dumb, but helps me out a ton! Also, I try to do a load of laundry twice a week and not try to save it to one week. This helps it not be so overwhelming. If they are little I will do it and fold it on the same day. Good job on all of your organizing!

Ashlie said...

By the way ~ I cleaned out my entire kitchen after we talked. I took so many old dishes to the DI. I feel so much better. I don't know why I was keeping some of that crap!

Ashlie said...

Thanks for your cute comment on my blog about the picture with Kim. I am so thankful for you and our friendship and I am so glad that you came into my life. I cherish our friendship and your hair talents! What am I going to do when you go on maternity leave!?!